Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
I'm ENJOYING my life like nobody business.

Piggy Back!

Was away from home 3 days for Bowen Badminton Camp!
Did a lot of things in 3 days. Most fun was ytd night.
1Day reach there playing WATER GAMES with them!:D Cool uh! ;)
Around evening went visit Normama! Adam was really CUTE!
First time carrying LESS THAN 1DAY OLD BABY? Omg yes! My first time!
Didn't expect myself to carry him!
Took a picture with him. AWESOME AND CUTE. Just like me!:x
2nd day have trng in the morning but i was sleeping till 10+ in cabada lounge,
cause was really tired and i guess we all slept around 2am.
Wash up, went to the hall and look for EVERYBODY.Cause they having trng and seniors helping out.
I guess i'm the only one sleeping, so i went to take a look.
End up i played a doubles and out i go to have lunch with Jeanette, Mr see and Mr lim!
After lunch Mr See and Mr Lim decided to visit Normama! So i join along.
Jeanette went back home and study. :)
So 2nd time visiting her! Hahahha.
After visiting her we went back to school.
Miss Chia and the teams are playing some chairs game.
Mr Lim decided to join in cause he thought that it was easy.
Miss Chai and i decided to sit on the chair with the team and Mr Lim is the one WALKING AROUND!
Was really fun! :)
After that game they play Musical chair! I was the winner or Xin Hui maybe.
Cause we alumni no point for winner. As we didn't form a team. So yeah so get the point for her team. :)
Musical chair make me a bit giddy so took a break.
The rest of them play FLOORBALL!
Rest and chit-chat all.
6pm get ready for BUFFET!
Seniors came back and play PAST VS PRESENT.
Was fun la. As u know PAST rusty already..:(
Around 10pm everybody went off to get ready the farewell that they gonna do for Mr Lim.
Only the seniors all stay in the hall delay Mrlim time till 11.15.
Miss Chia den act VERY SERIOUS and tell him that she got something to speak to him in canteen.
Mr Lim was kinda shock/worry/blur.
While they talking in the canteen all seniors RUSH to humanities room, cause the whole team there and ready to surprise him. :)
Hahahha. And everything goes well. Cake and everything. Maybe 1 or 2 of them cried.
But lucky nobody see or else ALL of them sure cry.
1 cry all cry that's how STRONG our team spirit are. :D
At night went everybody dismiss from the humanities room,
some of the seniors went back to the hall and continue playing BADMINTON.
HaoFang and I went buy drinks at 7-11.
After that back to cabada lounge chit-chat.
Around 2am slowly one by one all come in and
start chit-chatting to GOSSIPING! Hahahah. Everybody was there at 2.45am.
Around 4am we was still chatting and the guys all sleeping.
This part was really most fun part, cause like hardly will have chance to actually sit down and talk non-stop till morning. Around 5am we went out to have INSTANT NOODLE at 7-11.
So called our breakfast. Back to school around 6.30am. A few of them still have project to do so they do and talk at the same time. Around 7.30 all of us really too tired so took a nap.
Other than Erica she can dun sleep one. Hahaha.
So joanna leave first cause she gng overseas.
After that Erica, Alisa and Yanni leave at 8.30am.
Around 1oam Gweynnie, Janani, Huimin, Milly and i went home.
Home Sweet Home!
Now i have Sore throat, flu and diarrhea.
I have no idea what i ate. So i shall have a good rest tonight.:)
Pictures time!
Sec 1s.
Sec 2s.
Alumni girls.
Alumni Guys.
Miss Chia and Mr Lim.

Piggy Back!
My Ahma! :)

Suan Mei sister uh. Hahaha.

After all, we're ONE BIG FAMILY!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Busy week ahead soon!
Thursday-Maybe outing/Chalet
Friday-Going Korea.
Saturday-In Korea
Sunday-In Korea.
No matter how busy i'm.
I will still find time just for you and ask u out. :)
Gonna have a good rest soon. Later mama buying supper home!
I'm hungry.. :( Getting real FAT now. It's time to lose weights..
Okay i've been saying that to myself for the past few months.
But yet i'm enjoying my life by eating. Hahahaha!
Whatever.:D Goodnight!:) Just a short post..
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spent my time watching shows today!
Anyway that day i went town walk around when i'm back home.....
My left leg SWOLLEN! My dad asked me if i use one leg to walk isit?
The reason is cause i have been studying AT HOME.
All of sudden walk too much so yeah. Hahaha.
I shall start GOING OUT more often. Get used to it!
Tmr will be going out with my mum. She booked me for the whole day.
Thursday with 6A'07 people! :D (L)
Friday maybe going out with Cheryl, Durene & Chengyi to celebrate our anniversary..
Going sing K & eat! ^^ Excited much.
Ohyah still have to arrange a BUFFET OUTING date with the girls soon as my junior said so.
Even though i'm going out, I'll still be going for trng in the morning at 8-12.
I might leave early on thurs. :)
My time management is very GOOD NOW! Hahaha.
Shall have MORE OUTING. Next week my calendar is still empty.
So shall filled it up with many more outing!
Tmr have to wake up early for doctor appointment at 9.30.
So i have to SLEEP NOW.:D Goodnight!:)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Look out for me!:D


Sec 1...

Sec4 haven't get the picture yet. Hahaha.
4years... I just realize that my 4years end just like this.
Exam over yet i don't feel VERY HAPPY.
Like out of sudden have nothing to do.
But sleep out play.. That's not what i want i guess.
Shall find some challenge real soon!:D
First i have to sleep at least 8hrs!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Okay lets talk about Graduation Ceremony Day
while waiting for amanda, terence n samuel to finish their paper!
Graduation Day NOBODY cry at all.
I think because the atmosphere not there.
Everybody just hope to LEAVE THE HALL ASAP,
because it's EXTREMELY WARM. Keep perspiring..
If only our hall have air-con...
Lucky i brought a portable fan along! Hahaha.
Madam Ang[Mrs chong] also brought one..
Ended up both of our fan took away by Kim Yong n Sonjula.
Zahirah always bring a hand fan.
So Madam Ang ask from her cause she's not using.^^
After awhile i really cannot take it, so i changed seat.
Sat beside MADAM ANG. Hahaha.
So while she was fanning herself, i can feel the wind too.
Mrs Teo n Madam Ang ah really "chit-chat"[gossip] a lot one eh. Hahaha.
After awhile i request to take pictures of ourselves!
Here u go. :)
One pic was took from her phone.
She hold her phone a bit too high!

Den i faster ask her hold lower a bit,
cause later everybody know we taking picture. Paiseh you know. Hahhaha.
Both of us look cute right? :D Oh n she's beautiful on that day uh.
Finally look like a woman. :x
After the ceremony everybody go take picture!:D
See her tummy. Hahaha.
Now i cannot imagine how she look like after giving birth.
Look like a mother or look younger? :) Shall see next year.
Mr see! I think his favorite color is red too.
Cool. ;)
Kenneth! I know him since nursery.
Cool uh. 13years going 14!
Hahahaha. I still rmb something embarrassing that happened to him.
Doubt he rmb. I have no idea why i rmb either..
Shall end here about graduation ceremony..
Yesterday went Mac to study after that went Kovan for dinner with parents.
Okay now back to study while waiting. BYE!:D
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cute not?!:D I might want to bring this into exam hall.
Cause i always panic in exam hall and don't really know what to do.
This candylicious bear will definitely helps!
As i always study this bear will be on my study table and keep me company.
So sweet right. Okay now i need get back to study.:)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
29th Sept. 2 days away.. Graduation Day. I'm sure everybody prepare tissues.
Hahahah. Teachers also will bring their tissue box for us uh. I hope.:x
Will be damn embarrassing la.
But this is the only time to see all your friends crying together with u as one. hahaha.
So just cry out loud and make sure louder than anyone else.
Yesterday was my last Mon in school for lessons.
Today was my last Tuesday in school to have lessons.
Tmr will be my last Wed in school having lesson.
And so on. This wk will be my last wk of lesson in secondary.
I'm still kinda upset with it actually.
I have no idea why am i still spending time sleeping in class.
Ending real soon. I should be feeling happy right?
Okay goodbye! Gonna start studying again!
Monday, September 26, 2011

My face really changed..
I have no idea why. My eyes look like going to pop-out anytime.
Pimples all over.. And WORST part is HAIR DROPPING?!?! :o
First thing i will do after exam is go M-I-A.
Cause i need to hide my UGLY FACE from everyone.
To make myself look better is to sleep for 3days!
Should be enough i guess. 7th Oct exam end.
10th Oct then go have FUN.:D
But whatever.. Now i just have to STUDY like there's no TOMORROW!
Last lap. Hahahahahahahahaha.
Idk to be happy or what. Cause i'm not really in the mood.
I miss school actaully. 4 years i haven't really enjoy it.
Nothing i can do now..
Tmr got 3period of maths, hope i can stay AWAKE for that 3period.
Other than that nothing much..
So now i should go finish up what i should for today.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It will be one of my biggest mistake..
Leaving blank..
But i seriously did double check.
Why didn't triple check.
Serve me right.
I really almost cry on the spot.
Okay.. Whatever it's over.
No point crying over a spilled milk baby.:)
But why people always remind me about it.
Like seriously.. Do u have to like oh ur 7marks gone goodluck.
Can u at least say something like cheer up dun think about it?
But anyway i dun care alrdy. I now really very depress man.
What's wrong with me. I really make ppl speechless..
Why am i so DUMB?! Seriously?
Lee Jia Jie how can u do something like that?!
I thought u always check your work?
Can u give yourself a TIGHT SLAP pls..
Really disappointed with myself MAX.
English so important you know..
7 marks! HELLO 7 eh!
It's like A sure gone. B? might not.
My paper 1 flunk it..
Why do the Cambridge people make the paper so COMPLICATED..
I just wanna REWIND. Really have no idea what to do.
I'm lost once again. SERIOUSLY LOST..
Can anyone out there GUIDE me.
Tired alrdy. Bathe and Sleep.
Bed pls make me sleep n not think.
Goodnight. *CRY*
My phone is having attitude problem to me right now.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Blog is the best! Twitter if i gossip, people might backstab.
Even though it's lock. Facebook WORST...
Nowadays more n more ppl know that i got twitter.
I wish not many of my HATE LIST create twitter uh. Hahahha.
Actually doesn't hate anyone right now..
Just like to gossip when i really find that person ANNOYING.:x
I shall stop this BAD HABIT. Ok whatever. Just off to books nth will happen.:D
Today Nlvl! Make me really nervous. At least prelim not that messy.
But NLVL is like "huh start alrdy?!" Make me kan jiong only.
Okay maybe is my problem. I'm sure that i can do my best!
Tmr is CHI LC!:D Wed is Eng written. Kinda NOT PREPARE..
Typing can make my hands feel tired.. Not suitable for me alrdy.
Maybe writing will be better for now. SO GOODBYE!:)
Friday, September 2, 2011

Punggol Park!
Guess what i went cycling at 8 with my "ahma"[Hui Min]
Guess what i went cycling at 8 with my "ahma"[Hui Min]
Hahahha. We actually cycle round n round.
After that we find some place to sit down n chit-chat.
Very long never cycle suddenly cycle my "airs" feel damn pain.
I think my Bicycle Chair ah killing me.
Ytd didn't have enough sleep.
Morning go school with PANDA EYES.
After school back to Primary school.
Really miss my teachers a lot.
Perhaps I miss the FOOD more than anything else.:x
Okay just saying..
I was waiting and realize that the canteen food stall will be closed at 1.
But we only can enter the school at 1.15..
U never know that feeling is like... Forget it.
That Principle Boo. Vice-Principle WORST. Or maybe both BOOOOOO~.
Whatever so just went back look for tchers and chit-chat.
Lunch at Kovan KFC. The food there like diff from other kfc.
After eating it, I feel like vomiting..
They decided to go amanda's house and slack.
So i went back home, get my bike and there i go!
So i went back home, get my bike and there i go!
I didn't know there's SHORTCUT to her hse..
Went b.ball court to play b.ball!
Fun fun fun. I was suppose to study.. Opps.:\
Around 7+ I have to meet my "ahma" and go cycle.
Before i get my bicycle, I feel DAMN TIRED.
Like anytime might really faint.
That feeling is TERRIBLE & HORRIBLE TTM!
That feeling is TERRIBLE & HORRIBLE TTM!
But lucky when i hop onto my bicycle and start cycling,
In canteen waiting for tchers..
Mrs Ng was my Pri 6 tcher.
Who i gave 99 REAL ROSES to with my friend[adam] 2-3 years ago.
I remember there was a day i was really sick
and still attended school. So i look really pale and tired.
She asked me if i'm sick i knocked my head.
So her lesson she TRIED MANY WAYS to make me laugh.
I actually LAUGHED till the end of her lesson.
After her lesson i realize that i recovered.
That's really miracle uh.. Idk how she did it too.
Today i told her that she shrinks or maybe i grow taller.:x
Okay that's really BAD of me. But she know i was just joking.:D
Tangyao trying to BLOCK fanny. B.ball time! Haha.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ytd rain and i'm down with flu today.
I thought i'm strong that's why i didn't catch a cold.
But today what's wrong man.
The weather hot like mad i come home on air-con
and now flu.. Hard to breath! I'm gonna die die die.
No pills for me! NONONO!
Nlvl coming. What if nlvl i sick.
That one really die.
I hate it especially LC u fall sick!
Will totally have no mood to listen and sleep rather than do.
I rmb there was once i vomit just right before chi LC!
Lucky Amanda was in front of me and she was the first one to help me out.
I will rmb that forever ok. Cause I LOVE HER! hahaha.
I still rmb i copy her paper everytime cause she's in front of me.
But i still fail. Dun know how i copy also.
There was once my friend ask me copy hers end up get caught.
Dump max. That alibaba[Her front of the heels is SHARP one) tcher catch us for copying.
Okay. No much time left. 7more wks and my life in secondary school will end.
Believe it or not? That's fast. I haven't really enjoy my life.
Teachers will miss my smile, laughter and my cute face uh.
Ok BHB! Just kidding la.:)
I will go back OFTEN for badminton!
Okay time to study goodbye!
Friday, August 12, 2011

I really have never thought just a few words from you
can haunt me the whole day. I'm serious.
I might disappoint you. But idk why i feel so guilty.
When you ask me not to anymore,
i really feel like giving up in things that i shouldn't be concentrating in.
But how.. Just a few sec can really change everything.
I MUST do what u say. It's good for me.
I have no idea what's wrong with me.
I need stay in a reflection corner.
I need stay in a reflection corner.
To reflect my results and many more things that affect my results.
Really need one whole day to lock myself in a room one day.
Make sure i pour everything out and just leave it aside.
N's are coming real soon. Chinese paper n Cpa practical start first.
Really spoil my mood when i think of it.
Gonna spend my time wisely. Next wk have to start studying.
Nowadays i get annoyed easily.
Using too many F word..
Speaking LOUDLY..
This all are ..... BAD!
Anyway i'm really happy that i have people around me
who actually really concern about my results.
Even tried to talk to me.
麦当劳謝謝你. Your words REALLY REALLY HAUNT ME!
WHOLE DAY! "不可以阿!"
And i get affected easily by "STUPID THINGS"
Okay i'm really tired alrdy.
I promise i will do my BEST for NLVL 麦当劳!
Doubt you will read it. Haha.
Will gossip about you in my blog next time.
If only there are things for me to gossip uh.:)
If only there are things for me to gossip uh.:)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Yes i believe i can fly..
Do i really believe in myself?
I'm kind of disappointed with my results.
Nag at me pls pls pls.
My 3X senior actaully sms-ed me and
remind me to study. Believe it or not?!
I really touch by her anyway.:D
Will see her next sat!! Miss her very much.
Now my skills dropp so fair competition next sat!
Ytd my dream was kind of fun.
Very touching and upset moment in it.
Idk why i dreamt of such cute/funny/weird dream.
But yeah... I sleep at 1am ytd.
Before that my face was RED..
Guess what didn't know that orange breezer
just taste like orange.
Today out for a movie and back home.
ZOOKEEPER! Very nice u know.
Nowadays i spend most of my time watching movie..
Waiting for "The smurfs" to be OUT!
Maybe friday shall ask my friends out for prawning.
Never go prawning before. Sua Gu right?
Okay back to school tmr. Nobody like it.
Disappointment is what i always get.
Even though at the end of the day it's still the same.
But i still keep trying n trying.
Till the day i get what i want.
Or i might let feeling slowly fade away..
Goodbye. Back to myself tmr in school pls.
Don't worry, Be happy! That's more like ME.
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cheese! Damn nice. @international seafood Restaurant.
Never regret going. Even though kinda weird.
I went there main food is this CHEESY FOOD!:D
This wk i really eat a lot a lot a lot good food.
Only for this wk. I DID EXERCISE TOO OK!
Heehee. So now guess what..
Body ache all over, such a weak person..
Am enjoying life now. Tmr movie again!
Maybe after next wk shall start studying again.
I know people might not believe but who cares.
My science get 69/100...=.= Suck TTM.

If i have a bf first thing is COUPLE TEE.
I find it damn cute. :D
So if i have a bf means i will have a couple tee.
But not so soon uh.. Maybe 3-5 years later.
I still promise someone to show her for approval before tgt.
Years later... To be continue...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Farewell for meilin.
But really seriously it's FUN.
Now i know how cure sadness is to GET OUT of hse
with some cheerful and fun people for LUNCH/DINNER.
Seriously NOW i feel like i'm the happiest girl ever!
Trust me. I am. It's been a while..
Meilin take care 3years ltr i will DEFINITELY GO FIND U! (L)
LOVE EVERYBODY! LOVE MYSELF TOO! Tmr movie & seafood jumbo! ^^
STUDY GOODBYE! Tonight have to sleep at 3am..
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Morning late for school.
Just cause i waited n waited for disappointment once again.
Prelim just....
Continue urself.:)
Science n maths finally over.
Now left ebs i'm actually quite worried abt.
If i want to get 1st in class still got chance to chase up.
Imagine my EBS n CPA get 1st. Confirm 1st in class.
But hor. CPA i lousy without practical n Coral draw.
Last time my coral draw always get first.
Maybe cause the tcher like me as a student.:)
But Cambridge people will never see my CHEERFUL FACE.
Sad for them and sad for me.
So now i'm suppose to take a nap!
But am actually planning Thurs n Fri outing.
Thurs will be GHOST movie with classmate.
Dinner with parents!
Friday will be shopping with Sisters.:D
And maybe buffet? Haha.
I just wanna eat n eat n eat!
Cause prelim really....
Time to enjoy after this.
Sunday having Dim Sum!
I wanted to cut my hair this Friday.
But 7th month[GHOST FESTIVAL] cannot i guess.
I was like waiting n waiting for my prelim over so can CUT!
Ok shall stop here.:)
I think you're just a normal person.
Why the fk did i get tricked by you.
Lies n Truth i can't differentiate it anymore,
Cause everything said by u are truth to me.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Today prelim English paper! We took it in the hall.:)
Was really tired and i actually just doze-off while doing.
Lucky i went to the toilet. Wanted to wash my face only.
But the tcher follow me so it's weird if i dun use the washroom.
Hahahahaa. Damn funny. Lucky she stand outside.
Cannot imagine Nlvl man.
Now prelim 1/2 of my textbook are not touched yet.
Sat n sun is for me to study. Hope i can really cover up almost all the chapters.
Just now when i reached home i scroll through our messages.
The 1st day n last day was totally diff.
I have nothing to say. But that message was not i send one?
U believe it or not is up to u.
Gonna say lie? Yah i'm a liar.
But no matter what i will still be the same me.
Cricket are making noise every night.
And i'm still smiling about the sound of lizard.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
When we first talked on the phone..

After afew days....

What about now?...

I just can't let myself ignore it.
You're just a few meter away from me..
But i feel that we're like one end to another.
I'm still waiting n waiting. Just like waiting for the sky to drop.
Ok just being random..
Study time all eaten up.
Didn't expect myself to watch harry potter.
Hahaha. Surprisingly it's nice.:)
I actually told friends it's not matter of the show.
What matters is the person i'm watching with.
But it's just a joke la. Just trying to act sweet. Haha.
Next wk after prelim going to watch GHOST SHOW.
That's how i enjoy my life when it's a down moment.
Goodnight.. Such a "EMO" post.
Shall post another one when my mood is better.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Is this all i have been waiting for? Is this all i have been searching for?
I once told myself just purely friends.
What about it now? Not anymore..
Wtf is happening man?
So wrong la. Nuggets..
Nlvl pls over asap. After that everything can fall to me.
I make sure i solve every problem by that time.
But not now...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Tmr tmr tmr! Nlvl Chinese oral.
GOOD LUCK. See so many CHINESE WORDS will die.
I actually feel like studying other subject for prelim.
How ah? Tsk. Stress. All the stress coming.
I need need need study study study pills pills pills.
If there's such pills i will make sure i buy and eat!
and of course all the CHINESE WORDS!
Damn! Really need go IMH soon. Rmb come n visit me.:)
I need get 1st u know. I'm really afraid of not getting 1st.
Just because i afraid that people ard me who set the target
for me will get disappointed. :( I dun like it..
I hate to see that disappointed look..
I hate to hurt people actually. But i'm trying my best.
If i can't i'm sorry. But i'm not at my standard yet.
Why is that so? Pls get me back to the books!
Like immediately! I'm really very nervous for tmr oral.
So what if i can speak but can't read..
In front of the 2 TCHERS i will never speak properly.
Even towards 1 i can't. Wish my mum is a chinese tcher.
So maybe might have chance that she take me for oral.
I sure get B!=x
What if i really get crazy one day?
Will u still be my friend? Lol.
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Excited to see the pictures? Haha.
I like to be in BOWEN.
I regretted for not wearing in the past 3yrs.
It's really fun today and u can really feel it.
Few more months and i will be leaving.
Ask me if i miss bowen? Who don't..
I wish i retain with my whole class even.=x
Retain as in go 4NA next year tgt. I WISH LA.
A wish that never come true is a dream.
Ok so is my dream for all of them n me to go 4NA next yr.
I just like my life in secondary school. It's ending. Real soon.
ENDING. 4years that's very fast. Miss everything in bowen.
Even though some of the people i know them abit later
How i wish people will never come n go.
I find myself very selfish i wish everything belong to me and just me.
I find myself very selfish i wish everything belong to me and just me.
But if there's no competitors there will be no improvement.
So if u think that belongs to you snatch it back.
If not let it go.:D BEST OF THE BEST!
Okay today lesson was FUN!
Pe sit there chit-chat, eng take a short nap.
Recess was suppose to find normama.
But she not in the office so i waited awhile.
She still doesn't appear.[MUST BE HIDING FORM ME]
When recess going to end i went back find her.
One tcher said that she's hiding there.
I wanted to go in the office n take with her.
But her table too messy la.
Took one of her sour plum from her table.
VERY NICE you know. It's sweet actually.
We went out took pictures.
When we going back class she told me she will go my class later to take pic tgt with the class.
I was like shocked. She said cause last year and she teach us in sec 1 before.
Went back to class after that, eng we do some comprehension.
So was kinda tired after doing. The whole class was VERY QUIET.
I told Mrs thoo that a person only can concentrate 45mins max.
So after awhile she told the whole class ok if u all want take pic go ahead.
Continue the work at home.:D
Maths lesson i was humming half of the lesson.
Idk why but it feels good.^^ Hahahhaa.
When i stop humming i feel like sleeping cause not in high spirit.
When i stop humming i feel like sleeping cause not in high spirit.
Oh and NORMAMA actually appeared but didn't take pic.
I think she came because of the lost n found wallet only.
Or maybe she want take but we was having test.
Cheat my feeling one la! After maths is CE CE CE!
Got test again and we actually cheated.
Beside the flag on the of the board got all the bowen misson all.
So we copied from there. :D Last 20mins take pic.
Class photo... Group photo... And many more.
I asked MADAM ANG to do center parting our hair and take tgt.
She dun want. NOT FUN ONE!
So we actually sit there and self-take tgt for a few shots.
After CE got Chinese ACP. TIll 3+. Am tired now..
Upload picture, try study & Sleep!
I doubt i can study now very tired.
Photo time!
No need say everybody will know her!:D
As SWEET as always.
Normama! Introduce u'll one person.
Around Dec or Jan u'll know.
As FIERCE as always.
MADAM ANG! :D Self-shot.
As LOUD as always.
English Tcher. Mrs thoo!
As CUTE as always.
3-4 Years of friendS!
Actually got many more. Almost all will be on FB.
Cause some is for myself n the person to see ONLY.:D
Act abit SECRETIVE! So i got my PRIVACY! HAHAHA!
Pictures are just memories what matters is the moment.
Pictures are just memories what matters is the moment.
Treasure it.:)
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