Was away from home 3 days for Bowen Badminton Camp!
Did a lot of things in 3 days. Most fun was ytd night.
1Day reach there playing WATER GAMES with them!:D Cool uh! ;)
Around evening went visit Normama! Adam was really CUTE!
First time carrying LESS THAN 1DAY OLD BABY? Omg yes! My first time!
Didn't expect myself to carry him!
Took a picture with him. AWESOME AND CUTE. Just like me!:x
2nd day have trng in the morning but i was sleeping till 10+ in cabada lounge,
cause was really tired and i guess we all slept around 2am.
Wash up, went to the hall and look for EVERYBODY.Cause they having trng and seniors helping out.
I guess i'm the only one sleeping, so i went to take a look.
End up i played a doubles and out i go to have lunch with Jeanette, Mr see and Mr lim!
After lunch Mr See and Mr Lim decided to visit Normama! So i join along.
Jeanette went back home and study. :)
So 2nd time visiting her! Hahahha.
After visiting her we went back to school.
Miss Chia and the teams are playing some chairs game.
Mr Lim decided to join in cause he thought that it was easy.
Miss Chai and i decided to sit on the chair with the team and Mr Lim is the one WALKING AROUND!
Was really fun! :)
After that game they play Musical chair! I was the winner or Xin Hui maybe.
Cause we alumni no point for winner. As we didn't form a team. So yeah so get the point for her team. :)
Musical chair make me a bit giddy so took a break.
The rest of them play FLOORBALL!
Rest and chit-chat all.
6pm get ready for BUFFET!
Seniors came back and play PAST VS PRESENT.
Was fun la. As u know PAST rusty already..:(
Around 10pm everybody went off to get ready the farewell that they gonna do for Mr Lim.
Only the seniors all stay in the hall delay Mrlim time till 11.15.
Miss Chia den act VERY SERIOUS and tell him that she got something to speak to him in canteen.
Mr Lim was kinda shock/worry/blur.
While they talking in the canteen all seniors RUSH to humanities room, cause the whole team there and ready to surprise him. :)
Hahahha. And everything goes well. Cake and everything. Maybe 1 or 2 of them cried.
But lucky nobody see or else ALL of them sure cry.
1 cry all cry that's how STRONG our team spirit are. :D
At night went everybody dismiss from the humanities room,
some of the seniors went back to the hall and continue playing BADMINTON.
HaoFang and I went buy drinks at 7-11.
After that back to cabada lounge chit-chat.
Around 2am slowly one by one all come in and
start chit-chatting to GOSSIPING! Hahahah. Everybody was there at 2.45am.
Around 4am we was still chatting and the guys all sleeping.
This part was really most fun part, cause like hardly will have chance to actually sit down and talk non-stop till morning. Around 5am we went out to have INSTANT NOODLE at 7-11.
So called our breakfast. Back to school around 6.30am. A few of them still have project to do so they do and talk at the same time. Around 7.30 all of us really too tired so took a nap.
Other than Erica she can dun sleep one. Hahaha.
So joanna leave first cause she gng overseas.
After that Erica, Alisa and Yanni leave at 8.30am.
Around 1oam Gweynnie, Janani, Huimin, Milly and i went home.
Home Sweet Home!
Now i have Sore throat, flu and diarrhea.
I have no idea what i ate. So i shall have a good rest tonight.:)
Pictures time!
Sec 1s.
Sec 2s.
Alumni girls.
Alumni Guys.
Miss Chia and Mr Lim.

Piggy Back!
My Ahma! :)

Suan Mei sister uh. Hahaha.

After all, we're ONE BIG FAMILY!!!
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