When u're dying, u look back in time and realized that its the time to go.
U feel that its just a blink and time flies. So dun rush..
Enjoy every minutes, seconds in life. Will have more memories.:)
Time to have a slow walk JJ.:D Next month coming will it be great?
April was awesome and fast. I feel great during april!
Great month start with great days! So great days of the month will make time flies.
So great years start with great months and great life start with great people!:D
Was watching a chnn5 show which is suppose to be malay but they translated.
It's really meaningful and nice, i cried after watching.
I seldom cry in just one epi of show that i dun know.
Kind of weird. Maybe i used to cry for show too much.
Today went NEX with bebe(phoeBE) and was finding mother's day present.
If u know me well u should know that when i want to get something on that day,
I must get it no matter what but if there's really no choice
i will make sure the next day i will continue to look for it.
So today i bought bag for my mum abit kia su to buy now.
But what to do "singaporean"!:D
Still got something left undone. Hahaha.
So tmr i will continue to search, exams will not stop me from doing things.
But i will stop exam for me doing things.xD
Tmr out to have fun! Bugis and golden mile here i come.
Sat worst... Sota and flea market! ^^
The only day to study are sun n mon?:D
SO PLAY TIME NOW!=x Sometime idk what can motivate myself.
Things that are used to motivate me are not useful anymore.
Just like when u first time give a gift to someone,
that person will be really happy.
But after awhile when u give that person gift,
It's not as happy as the first time.
Cause somehow feels normal.
The first time are always the best time.
Time to eat dinner n watch tv.xD Will study abit later today.
Not to rush anything. Enjoy EVERY MOMENT!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Studying? Rubbish la. Even though not sleepy at all.
But brain can't concentrate. Now studying maths.
I doubt i can study sci or ebs. I will sure sleep.
How to get A man.:( Effort are everything.
But i dun see myself putting in effort.
SHITTY! Tsk.. FML. Thinking of cross-country.xD
Feel like training for cross-country.
Cheryl asked mi if i have confidence to get top 10 not.
I'm like ehhh... I think yes. But stamina dropped..
I can't run anymore. Even climb up the stairs i feel tired.
Lucky my class not in Basement now. Or else..
Hahahah. Since last year told myself to jog every morning.
Till now i'm still sleeping in the morning.
How? I'm sure i will get top 10 for cross-country!
Must have confidence.. Should continue to study.
I just did 1 maths qns from 3+ till now.
How great.. Am really slacking too much.
Stay back in school might help but feel so uncomfortable.
Anyway contact yw today!:D Sms her and talk crap. Hahahaha.
She's so gonna help me tidy my room real soon after exam.^^
I want gathering! Fish, Yw & Zl!
Everything after nlv after nlvl.
I'm tired of waiting. Very long nvr open chalet.
Its time to party soon.. Haha.
Mid-year not yet reach i think of nlvl. Great!
I think i will be quite excited for Nlvl.
Cause after that i will go really crazy!:D
Now i really wish to help my friends in their studies.
But idk how to open my mouth to tell them.
I'm afraid that i teaches them the wrong thing.:(
Looking at my friend not knowing anything,
i feel.. Feeling that cannot use by word. How?
I can't even help myself how am i suppose to help others.
Tsk. Really hate myself sometimes.
Its just like if my friend drown i can't jump to the pool and help them.
Because i can't swim. So what to do? Just see my friend die?!
So i shall do something to help my friendssss!
I'm here friends!! WAIT FOR ME!
I should go help myself now first!
But brain can't concentrate. Now studying maths.
I doubt i can study sci or ebs. I will sure sleep.
How to get A man.:( Effort are everything.
But i dun see myself putting in effort.
SHITTY! Tsk.. FML. Thinking of cross-country.xD
Feel like training for cross-country.
Cheryl asked mi if i have confidence to get top 10 not.
I'm like ehhh... I think yes. But stamina dropped..
I can't run anymore. Even climb up the stairs i feel tired.
Lucky my class not in Basement now. Or else..
Hahahah. Since last year told myself to jog every morning.
Till now i'm still sleeping in the morning.
How? I'm sure i will get top 10 for cross-country!
Must have confidence.. Should continue to study.
I just did 1 maths qns from 3+ till now.
How great.. Am really slacking too much.
Stay back in school might help but feel so uncomfortable.
Anyway contact yw today!:D Sms her and talk crap. Hahahaha.
She's so gonna help me tidy my room real soon after exam.^^
I want gathering! Fish, Yw & Zl!
Everything after nlv after nlvl.
I'm tired of waiting. Very long nvr open chalet.
Its time to party soon.. Haha.
Mid-year not yet reach i think of nlvl. Great!
I think i will be quite excited for Nlvl.
Cause after that i will go really crazy!:D
Now i really wish to help my friends in their studies.
But idk how to open my mouth to tell them.
I'm afraid that i teaches them the wrong thing.:(
Looking at my friend not knowing anything,
i feel.. Feeling that cannot use by word. How?
I can't even help myself how am i suppose to help others.
Tsk. Really hate myself sometimes.
Its just like if my friend drown i can't jump to the pool and help them.
Because i can't swim. So what to do? Just see my friend die?!
So i shall do something to help my friendssss!
I'm here friends!! WAIT FOR ME!
I should go help myself now first!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Doing nothing that make me regret really sucks.
I regret not going SYF. Idk why the hell I feel really regret about it.
Doing something that make regret too and spoilt my impression from others.
Draw a line is not my type..
If can't affort to take jokes, what for joke with me IN THE FIRST PLACE?
After that go around telling.. Rubbish, next time I know what's DRAW A LINE.
Sorry to everybody, there's a line in between.
Other than my friends n family.:)
I will be more polite and nice ok. Lines will be there.
30cm away from me please. Cause I can't take your jokes..
So please dun act one friendly anymore. I see you'll true colours..
Maybe McDonald is the only one that I can be friendly with.:)
Oh and of course not forgetting someone who openly talked to me like friend.
Really appreciate it!:D And of course I know my limit.
There's limit but I will not even bother to reach that limit.
I will just be AS FAR AS POSSIBLE from the limit.
Not gonna hate anybody for anything that happened.
Regrets will be there so what. Just let it be.
Cause it happened. Nothing can erase even eraser.
I regret not going SYF. Idk why the hell I feel really regret about it.
Doing something that make regret too and spoilt my impression from others.
Draw a line is not my type..
If can't affort to take jokes, what for joke with me IN THE FIRST PLACE?
After that go around telling.. Rubbish, next time I know what's DRAW A LINE.
Sorry to everybody, there's a line in between.
Other than my friends n family.:)
I will be more polite and nice ok. Lines will be there.
30cm away from me please. Cause I can't take your jokes..
So please dun act one friendly anymore. I see you'll true colours..
Maybe McDonald is the only one that I can be friendly with.:)
Oh and of course not forgetting someone who openly talked to me like friend.
Really appreciate it!:D And of course I know my limit.
There's limit but I will not even bother to reach that limit.
I will just be AS FAR AS POSSIBLE from the limit.
Not gonna hate anybody for anything that happened.
Regrets will be there so what. Just let it be.
Cause it happened. Nothing can erase even eraser.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Started studying for MYE! Isit too late?
2more weeks to go. Hmmm after mid-year i have many thing wanna do!
But if i have a break, i will relax and deprove again.
Whatever it's from a U can change it to A only i can do it!xD
SO EBS A WILL BE MINE! JUST WAIT! Now is chasing up!
I made a study time-table and idk to follow or not.
Cause thurs mr lim ask me go for training and fri WWW.
How how how? Today and tmr finish up the chaps?
Hard man. One day cannot absorb too many.
Ok if i dun start now really will be too late.
Dun play play man!:D
I'm quite active in class today!
Which is half good half bad, cause english too active.
Was talking crap with the "girls" about "marriage".
HAHAHAH! Totally wrong la to talk about such things during english.
Tmr is wed! Late report to school. But tmr is EBS coursework day too.
Still got 5hours. Dying! Now mrs chong want us concentrate on coursework first.
But i wanna study for my 8 chaps! Should be easy i wish.:)
Mr lim said that i will lose to jolenta when i go back play!
IMPOSSIBLE! I will train even though i dun go training.
Shall go jog everyday!:@ Okay la thats about it!
2more weeks to go. Hmmm after mid-year i have many thing wanna do!
But if i have a break, i will relax and deprove again.
Whatever it's from a U can change it to A only i can do it!xD
SO EBS A WILL BE MINE! JUST WAIT! Now is chasing up!
I made a study time-table and idk to follow or not.
Cause thurs mr lim ask me go for training and fri WWW.
How how how? Today and tmr finish up the chaps?
Hard man. One day cannot absorb too many.
Ok if i dun start now really will be too late.
Dun play play man!:D
I'm quite active in class today!
Which is half good half bad, cause english too active.
Was talking crap with the "girls" about "marriage".
HAHAHAH! Totally wrong la to talk about such things during english.
Tmr is wed! Late report to school. But tmr is EBS coursework day too.
Still got 5hours. Dying! Now mrs chong want us concentrate on coursework first.
But i wanna study for my 8 chaps! Should be easy i wish.:)
Mr lim said that i will lose to jolenta when i go back play!
IMPOSSIBLE! I will train even though i dun go training.
Shall go jog everyday!:@ Okay la thats about it!
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Should start studying EBS chap 2 now.
Before rain stop. Cause i love it when its raining.
And i will be going out when the rain stop.:)
Coursework coursework & coursework. Tmr is the 7th hour for ebs?
Still got 6 more hours. JIA JIE CAN & WILL DO IT!
Everything we go through, others are going through too!
Remember at this age there's NO forever.
So coursework will never do it forever.:D
WILL END SOON! Nlvl of course will end soon but it's matter of when.
So just no complain and go for it. There's always help around u!
YES THERE'S TEACHERS HELPING!:D Really happy with it.
HOHOHO! Gooderbye! SHall go enjoy my tea break & study!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Today i'm really tired after selling the foods.
But slept during eng lesson. Everybody was like..
Hahhaah. Should know la.
Now i remember there's coursework tmr and i'm studying science[\m/ `No Link`].
What crap is that?! After coursework MATHS 3 period.
How to study till late night? If i do maths i will BANG...
It's wed tmr. Maybe i shall study till 12 and wake up at 8am?
Will i be late. But i wanna eat breakfast with uuuuu.;D
But there's no reply from u. Tired of waiting actually...
Anyway still slacking. Didn't take nap at all today ok!:D
I can study one. But action speaks louder than word.
So what am i doing are totally crap. Nonsense.
Only when it's night my brain can absorb everything.
So i would rather fully concentration for 1hours than sitting down 3-4 hours without concentration.:(
Mid Year.... Hohoho. It's MYE uh. Great for everyone.
Anyway i really have the urge to change my subject teacher.
Just one month will do? But no point...
Ohyah anyway we earned around 200+ in 2days for the FAS PEOPLE!
Hahahha but i think we can earn more than that. Too bad its only one day.
Now its time to study for mid-year. I stopped going training.
I shall go often la. Tsk. At home wasting time are useless anyway.
I drank 2 bottle of water in 1 hour. Now keep going toilet. LOL.
Goooderbye. Drink water is good for your health!
Today i'm really tired after selling the foods.
But slept during eng lesson. Everybody was like..
Hahhaah. Should know la.
Now i remember there's coursework tmr and i'm studying science[\m/ `No Link`].
What crap is that?! After coursework MATHS 3 period.
How to study till late night? If i do maths i will BANG...
It's wed tmr. Maybe i shall study till 12 and wake up at 8am?
Will i be late. But i wanna eat breakfast with uuuuu.;D
But there's no reply from u. Tired of waiting actually...
Anyway still slacking. Didn't take nap at all today ok!:D
I can study one. But action speaks louder than word.
So what am i doing are totally crap. Nonsense.
Only when it's night my brain can absorb everything.
So i would rather fully concentration for 1hours than sitting down 3-4 hours without concentration.:(
Mid Year.... Hohoho. It's MYE uh. Great for everyone.
Anyway i really have the urge to change my subject teacher.
Just one month will do? But no point...
Ohyah anyway we earned around 200+ in 2days for the FAS PEOPLE!
Hahahha but i think we can earn more than that. Too bad its only one day.
Now its time to study for mid-year. I stopped going training.
I shall go often la. Tsk. At home wasting time are useless anyway.
I drank 2 bottle of water in 1 hour. Now keep going toilet. LOL.
Goooderbye. Drink water is good for your health!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Yesterday went take cert and took singapore flyer tgt.:)
Nice right ^^
Behind this pictures there's some JOKES!:D
Its bu neng shuo de mi mi.=x oppsy. Sorry
Grp picture!:)
See how many of us serving one customer.:( Hahahha!
But what if no customers?
Of course sit down chit-chat.=x
But i'm behind the scenes!
Are u thinking of what i'm thinking?^^
Went home tgt with Madam normala!:D
Took train tgt and was a fun trip!:) Hahhaa.
I actually could smile the whole day by thinking of something!
Thanks to her uh! Now looking at the pictures make me laugh!:D
Ohyah! Miss normala actually treat us popeyes.
But i'm not honoured to eat! Because i ate my lunch before i go there.
Its ok i make sure she will treat me the next time to replace!:D
Was really touched by her actually to treat everyone of us.
She bought 24 chicken! Going to feed pig!=x
Hahaha. Cause all of us born in the year of pig!^^
Really sweet of her to treat us.
Must be vanessa said something to her.
Hahahhaha! I have no idea what she said.
Shall ask her when i have time!:D
Am super awake ytd night slept for almost 12 hrs?=x
Anyway shall stop here.
Gooder bye!:D
Nice right ^^
Behind this pictures there's some JOKES!:D
Its bu neng shuo de mi mi.=x oppsy. Sorry
Grp picture!:)

See how many of us serving one customer.:( Hahahha!
But what if no customers?
Of course sit down chit-chat.=x
But i'm behind the scenes!
Are u thinking of what i'm thinking?^^
Went home tgt with Madam normala!:D
Took train tgt and was a fun trip!:) Hahhaa.
I actually could smile the whole day by thinking of something!
Thanks to her uh! Now looking at the pictures make me laugh!:D
Ohyah! Miss normala actually treat us popeyes.
But i'm not honoured to eat! Because i ate my lunch before i go there.
Its ok i make sure she will treat me the next time to replace!:D
Was really touched by her actually to treat everyone of us.
She bought 24 chicken! Going to feed pig!=x
Hahaha. Cause all of us born in the year of pig!^^

Really sweet of her to treat us.
Must be vanessa said something to her.
Hahahhaha! I have no idea what she said.
Shall ask her when i have time!:D
Am super awake ytd night slept for almost 12 hrs?=x
Anyway shall stop here.
Gooder bye!:D
Monday, April 4, 2011
Its been a LONG LONG LONG time since i post.=x I realised things really change fast, every day, hour, min & EVEN SEC.
But things doesn't really matter to me anymore
Not happy with things change den,
not happy with people change the way u see it den.
Why bother to get angry and have more wrinkles/pimples.
It's just a waste of times actually. So why bother.
I have to rush through every chap of my textbook soon.
When will i be real free? After n lvl.
Now wondering whether should i buy roller-blade.
Cause now almost every week i will go blade with my cousins!
This sun i maybe going cycling and late afternoon meeting bb to roller-blade?:D
Excited much u know. Can't wait. Tmr training!!!
Will go help out i guess.:)
Now i have panda eyes...:( HELPPPP!!!! WHEN WILL IT BE CURE?!:(
Should shower and sleep now! GOODERNIGHT~
Remember dun bother yourself with SMALL LITTLE TINY stuff that will make u have MANY WRINKLES.=x
But things doesn't really matter to me anymore
Not happy with things change den,
not happy with people change the way u see it den.
Why bother to get angry and have more wrinkles/pimples.
It's just a waste of times actually. So why bother.
I have to rush through every chap of my textbook soon.
When will i be real free? After n lvl.
Now wondering whether should i buy roller-blade.
Cause now almost every week i will go blade with my cousins!
This sun i maybe going cycling and late afternoon meeting bb to roller-blade?:D
Excited much u know. Can't wait. Tmr training!!!
Will go help out i guess.:)
Now i have panda eyes...:( HELPPPP!!!! WHEN WILL IT BE CURE?!:(
Should shower and sleep now! GOODERNIGHT~
Remember dun bother yourself with SMALL LITTLE TINY stuff that will make u have MANY WRINKLES.=x
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