Nice right ^^
Behind this pictures there's some JOKES!:D
Its bu neng shuo de mi mi.=x oppsy. Sorry
Grp picture!:)

See how many of us serving one customer.:( Hahahha!
But what if no customers?
Of course sit down chit-chat.=x
But i'm behind the scenes!
Are u thinking of what i'm thinking?^^
Went home tgt with Madam normala!:D
Took train tgt and was a fun trip!:) Hahhaa.
I actually could smile the whole day by thinking of something!
Thanks to her uh! Now looking at the pictures make me laugh!:D
Ohyah! Miss normala actually treat us popeyes.
But i'm not honoured to eat! Because i ate my lunch before i go there.
Its ok i make sure she will treat me the next time to replace!:D
Was really touched by her actually to treat everyone of us.
She bought 24 chicken! Going to feed pig!=x
Hahaha. Cause all of us born in the year of pig!^^

Really sweet of her to treat us.
Must be vanessa said something to her.
Hahahhaha! I have no idea what she said.
Shall ask her when i have time!:D
Am super awake ytd night slept for almost 12 hrs?=x
Anyway shall stop here.
Gooder bye!:D
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