KL trip long time ago. Just now was looking at all the KL pictures. Really miss everything there. And the people around me. But there's no forever. Everytime people tell me things come and go. When can i not ever let someone come and dun go in my life. You know it hurts to lose someone u really love and appreciate. Nobody have fail to tears when think back time am i right? Unless u really have a miserable past. But i have the most enjoyable memories. Nobody will take away and nobody will stay like the same in my memories compare to now. Why is that so. Why must u leave such memories in my mind and let the people leave me. Can i exchange? Let everything stay and take away my memories. I WANT GO BACK TO KL. Even though its a short while 3D2N but its still great trip with the people! Madm Ang, Miss lee, Badminton girls, guys and Tour guide. Really really really really really really really really great. Can i retain? Maybe i retain might not even have chance to go OLJ with them. But i really wish to gooooooooooooo. When we grow up will we have a chance? I doubt so... Time to let go everything as tmr got tournament really need think abt it. And not thinking about my memories it will only make me tears. WOOOOOOWOOOOOO~~~ Time to bash people like how i did to anderson again. Time to shout and jump in the court. Happy to the max. BADMINTON HERE I COME~~~ Gooderbye.
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