Thursday, July 14, 2011

How ah.. I wish someone can just make a TIMETABLE for me.:(
I'm like totally not following my timetable.
Suppose to study i'm sleeping, watch tv or even using comp.
Useless bum. Now think of rearranging my timetable.
Too messy for me to look at it or even follow it.
Why isit so hard.. Should build my study style place later.
Table can't study la. Comp right in front and tv just turn my head.
So it's like totally cannot concentrate.
Maybe lock me in a room with nothing might help.
Ok i shall go study now to get 1st..
I MUST GET 1ST! I can get 1st.
I believe i can. Endurance.
14 more days to PRELIM &
54 more days to NLVL! NO MATTER WHAT!
Both must get 1st! 1st 1st 1st!

Not as warm as i felt before anymore..

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