Drizzling. Which is great.:) Sit down and watch a movie with my brother.
Was laughing and crying at the same time. hahaha.
Was laughing and crying at the same time. hahaha.
Really had a great time without my phone.=x
Cause low batt so put it in my room and let it charge.
So was really so engrossed with the show and nothing really disturbed me.:D
Actually my plan for today is study at 8. But u know la tv is just too attractive.
Hahhahaha. Ok thats crap.
Actually its because i nvr bring my books home,
so didn't have things to study? Maybe just english textbook.
I will DEFINITELY slp. So rather watch tv and clear my mind.:)
Great "evening" with the tv. FEEL SO GREAT NOW.
But without tv feel so ... feeling that hard to explain.=x
Okay la i shall stop here. Very tired.:) Goodnight.
Tmr there's 3 period of science just like today...
Which really made me feel like sleeping. Almost doze-off in class.
But lucky i tried my very the best to stay up still. Just that one ear in and another out.:(
Shall can up.. GUDERBUAI!:D
U always said that u changed and u wanna your FRIENDS to accept for who u are.
But how could people accept u when u changed and become worst?
U said that TRUE FRIEND doesn't mind. Totally disagree.
Those who doesn't mind and letting u become from bad to worst
are the one who really gave up on u.
Have NO HOPE at all.
That's not really the worst thing yet.
The worst thing is how are u gonna face the world with such a big changes?
If u can't take that then why must u change?
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