Yesterday! 5/6/08
Went to general hospital to fetch my bro...Then after tat when to eat...Eat finish le then we go simlim! When walking i keep saying "I wan go bugis!" hehe...xp
Then after awhile we go bugis street...OMG!!! There de things all so nice!!!ARH!!! Then i bought a skinny jeans yellow colour de...Quite cheap lei...And bought 1 shirt...Then go liao...)): I STILL GT ALOT OF THINGS WAN TO BUY SIA!!!ARH! Nvm...Wait until i save money surely go...xD hehe! Nite time we go to S.I.A club there to play badminton wif laogong(ziling),zeling(ziling's bro) and mi!!!lolThen my parents go KTV there and sing lor...When playing my mum came and she play awhile wif zeling....Then after my mum go back to KTV,after awhile my dad came and i play wif! i did't knw his badminton skill was so pro!!!But only he can't run if he can surely very pro le....xD=x...
Play badminton from 8.15 to 9.30 lyk tat...Then go acarde to play...Walau the acarde sibei small sia...But quite fun lol! Coz was lyk no1 at all lor...Other than 3 of! Then ziling & mi keep shouting...xD
k sum pic nw...((:
The acarde small rite?xD
No matter what i am rite here waiting for u!!((:
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